We are just 9 days away from Baby's due date! She is considered to be full term now and we pray that she will be healthy whenever she decides to make her debut. She is still moving around a lot and her little legs are getting strong. We are reading her books at night. I envisioned a relaxed and pampered third trimester, but the reality has been quite the opposite! There's so much to do and my project list is never-ending, but I have really enjoyed preparing the nursery and getting ready for Baby's arrival. I painted Baby's room a few weeks ago ("Sand Swept" yellow) and we assembled her furniture. Her books and clothes are organized and the changing table is stocked with itty bitty diapers. I finished crocheting her little afghan to keep her warm on the way home from the hospital. My hospital bag is packed, I stocked up on batteries and household items, the car seat is installed, and I have some home-cooked meals in the freezer for later (Enchilada Pasta, homemade Mac and Cheese, Cheesy Corn Chowder, and Spicy Chicken Rigatoni). I'm pre-registered at the hospital and we decided on a pediatrician for Baby. We have a "birth plan" (or at least a "wish list" and some thoughts on what we envision for labor and delivery, knowing that nothing really goes according to plan...) and we met with our doula to prepare for the big day. Between Jaycob, our Midwife, and our doula, I feel well supported in my plan for a nature childbirth. My priorities this weekend are to test out the baby monitor and review my books on nursing and feeding!
"Before" pictures of the nursery...
"After" pictures...

Despite the never-ending To Do list, we're trying to find some time for ourselves. I treated myself to a massage a couple weeks ago and my last pedicure before Baby arrives, and I have found that baths at night feel really good. I'm making time to stretch every day and go to bed early. Jaycob and I have also been enjoying our time together before our house completely changes with the new addition. We celebrated our anniversary earlier this month and enjoyed one of our last "dates nights" for a while.
The furry kiddos are also preparing for the arrival of their baby sister, and I think they know that something big is happening! I have let them explore the nursery and smell the baby things, and I practiced walking the dog with the stroller. There will definitely be an adjustment period as Kua and Laila learn the new rules of having a baby in the house and adapt to their roles and Big Sisters (not to mention getting used to less attention from Mom and Dad...) but we are hopeful that it will go well!
We are looking forward to Baby's arrival but I'm not in a rush for her to make her debut! I have had a really wonderful pregnancy and I love this special bonding time I have with Baby before sharing her with the world. <3
"Before" pictures of the nursery...
All those diapers... |
Furniture pre-assembly |
The closet needed some work... |
Starting the painting process |
Putting together the crib |
"After" pictures...
I love this hot air balloon mobile from my mom! |

Lots of blankets and bright colors. (And a Georgia O'keeffe print for the Santa Fe baby!) |

Changing table and elephant canvas. |
I love these cute, southwest-style Anne Geddes prints! |
"She Believed She Could, So She Did." |

Baby's Library |

So many diapers... |
A girl needs her shoes! |
The furry kiddos are also preparing for the arrival of their baby sister, and I think they know that something big is happening! I have let them explore the nursery and smell the baby things, and I practiced walking the dog with the stroller. There will definitely be an adjustment period as Kua and Laila learn the new rules of having a baby in the house and adapt to their roles and Big Sisters (not to mention getting used to less attention from Mom and Dad...) but we are hopeful that it will go well!
Laila checking out her baby sister's afghan. |
Practicing our walk with the baby stroller. |
We are looking forward to Baby's arrival but I'm not in a rush for her to make her debut! I have had a really wonderful pregnancy and I love this special bonding time I have with Baby before sharing her with the world. <3
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