Tuesday Tidbits

Between the endless "To Do" lists homeownership, the final weeks of Half Marathon training, and keeping up with all the fun events of early spring, my life has been a whirlwind lately! Here are a few tidbits... 1. My friends and I started a monthly Girls Night this year! It's been so fabulous to see each other and catch up on a monthly basis, which didn't always happen before with our busy lives of work, school, weddings, babies, etc. Eight of us girls started the group and we've met new people each month. This week we're going out to eat at the culinary school. I hope we can keep it going through the summer! 2. I had a major recipe Fail this weekend. I was so excited to try Pioneer Woman's Crazy Coffee (coffee blended with COCONUT OIL and BUTTER, what?!!), but was sadly disappointed. After going to three different stores to find coconut oil (which apparently is not the same as coconut milk), the coffee was not as good as I ha...