Tuesday Tidbits

We are one month into our adventure as a family of four! Life is fast-paced, noisy, and chaotic, and I'm learning new skills I never even knew I required as a mother of two. My strategies for managing a three-nager and a newborn are very different, I still have a lot to learn, and I am stretched to my limits most days, but it's also immensely rewarding to watch the kiddos learn new skills, interact with each other, and express wonder about the world. During my first month of maternity leave I have had the opportunity to reflect on my relationships and values, and as always I strive to maintain balance in my life. I'm trying to get out of the house every day, keep up with hobbies, connect with friends, and avoid completely losing my mind. Here are a few tidbits about life lately: 1. Valentine's Day : Despite the overly capitalistic, patriarchal, and heteronormative nature of Valentine's Day, I actually enjoy this holiday. I think of it as a t...