Hope, Optimism, and Tulip Bulbs

This morning we experienced our second snowfall of the season in Santa Fe. While the fluffy white flakes are beautiful and I look forward to wintertime, I can't help but feel cheated out of the final weeks of fall. I planted my bulbs a few days ago, and I guess I was just in time before the first freeze! I'm hopeful that my gardening efforts will come to fruition and that I'll have a garden full of tulips and daffodils come springtime. Today also marks three months until our due date with Baby Girl! With every milestone we grow more confident and excited to meet her. T here's nothing like waiting for the arrival of a baby that makes one contemplate the importance of hope. Working in acute care, I encounter hope (and lack thereof) in my work everyday, and I have had many discussions with colleagues on what hope means to a patient's survival and outcomes. In today's political and social climate, hope can seem like a lost cause, a...