Summer Solstice


Happy summer!  It has been extremely hot this month in Santa Fe, with high temperatures in the 90s.  I'm so thankful that we installed air conditioning when we moved into our house.  We have had such minimal moisture this season and the fire danger is so high that the National Forest is closed to hikers, which is such a bummer for outdoorsy folks.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the trails will open up again later this summer.  While I wouldn't trade living in the southwest for anything, I sure miss the beaches and swimming pools in the midwest! 

The annual Music on the Hill outdoor weekly music series started up again last week!  It's one of my favorite summer traditions in Santa Fe.  Every Wednesday night, families and groups of friends gather with their picnics and drinks on the grass on the St. John's College campus to enjoy free outdoor music.  The festival features a variety of genres and it's always fun to see a lot of friends and coworkers at the event.  I took Ady to the show last night and she had such a blast running around in the grass with the other kids and dancing to the music.

Front row fan at Music on the Hill

A couple weeks ago we took a family road trip to Show Low, Arizona, for a triathlon festival.  On Saturday, Jaycob and I raced in a team Olympic distance triathlon.  He swam and biked, and I finished the final leg of the race for Team Ross with a 10K run.  I admit that I wasn't really looking forward to a race after just finishing my Half Marathon a month ago, but it was fun to compete as a team, handing off the baton and the toddler in the transition zone!  10Ks are challenging for pacing.  It seems like a short race compared to my recent 13.1, but running for an hour is still a long time, and it involves a delicate balance of pushing myself while also holding back.  I started off fairly aggressively, but had to slow down during the middle of the race, where it was much windier and hillier.  I was aiming for 10-minute miles and I was able to maintain that pace.  The following day, Jaycob competed in the off-road Xterra triathlon.  It was a hot day and he was also fighting a stomach bug, but he was able to persevere and finish the race.  I'm taking a couple weeks off from running now, but I hope to find a race to do in the fall.  In the meantime I'm looking into some barre classes and morning yoga for the summer.

Family triathletes!

We have visitors in town this weekend and we're looking forward to introducing them to some of our favorite Santa Fe summer pastimes!  Our agenda includes the Children's Museum, the Rodeo, a Santa Fe Fuegos baseball game, the Saturday morning Farmers' Market, the botanical garden, and enjoying good food and drinks in Santa Fe.  Summer is such a fun time for welcoming visitors!

I am so thankful to be able to spend time with my little family and enjoy each other's presence.  I have been incredibly distraught about current events and the separation of families at the border, and it brings me to tears to think about the children who are alone, scared, and traumatized.  I know that there are children all over the world who are separated from their families for various reasons, but the most troubling part of this whole fiasco in my opinion is the absence of a clear plan for reuniting families, and the inability of children and parents to contact one another.  I just want to hold my own baby close and express gratitude that I have never been faced with danger leading me to risk my life and flee my country, that I have never suffered circumstances that force me to put my family in danger, and that I was born in a country where I am given countless opportunities to become something better.  This is yet another reminder to be thankful for my circumstances, and to use my good fortune and privilege to help others.  I am trying to educate myself on the policies, donate money to causes to help refugee families, engage in dialogue with other people, and vote for the right people who support the right kinds of policies.  While this week we celebrate the summer solstice, we also recognize World Refugee Day.

Families belong together <3
Happy summer!  Hug your family!  


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