Spring Cleaning

As the weather gets warmer, I have the urge to freshen up my house and make space for spring! There are few things that cause me more anxiety than clutter. I can't stand junk on top of tables, I loathe a cluttered entryway, and miscellaneous crap around the house just makes me want to scream sometimes. I am always seeking strategies for getting rid of crap, preventing the accumulation of more stuff, and more effectively organizing the things we have. I believe that I am happier when I have less clutter and more space. A couple weeks ago I completed the daunting task of reorganizing my baking pantry, and now I feel empowered to accomplish anything! Here are a few of my goals for Spring Cleaning this year: 1) Get rid of stuff It is such a good feeling to clean out closets and drawers and take a car load of stuff to the thrift store. My priorities are to purge clothes that don't bring me joy, books I don't plan to read again, decoration...