I aspire. I strive. I resolve.

This year was a memorable one as we watched Ady grow from a newborn to a toddler, delighting us with her own personality more each day, and teaching us more about life and love than we could ever teach her. She is the light of our lives and made 2017 really extraordinary. This year we also continued to make our house into a home, worked on our marriage as we strive to overcome the obstacles of parenting together, and traveled a lot (Hawaii, Minnesota, Colorado, San Antonio, New Orleans, and Chicago, to name a few of the destinations). I also accomplished a lot with my career, took on new responsibilities in clinical education at the hospital where I work, accepted a position as chairperson of the Ethics committee, dedicated time to the Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy Board of Directors, and am preparing to present at a national conference in February. I ran another half marathon in September, and I started playing French horn again, both of which were rea...