Sweater Weather Reading

Fall at the Farmer's Market I say it year after year, and here I am saying it again... I love fall!! Everything about this time of year just screams coziness and comfort. The morning air is cool and crisp, the aspen leaves are decorating the mountains with their yellow hues, green chile is out in full force at the Santa Fe farmers market, and I have officially traded out my bikinis and sundresses for boots and scarves. I made it up to the mountains for the first time this season to witness the beginning of the changing leaves. It was a gorgeous day for a trail run! Fall is also a perfect time for reading! Grab a blanket and some hot chocolate, and curl up with a spooky mystery or an old classic. Here's my list of books to get me through this season (with a few left over from my summer reading list)... 13 Stories for Sweater Weather Reading: Go Set a Watchman , b...