
Happy Memorial Day! Unfortunately for us hospital workers, this is just a normal weekend followed by just another Monday, but I enjoy being able to play a small role in my patients' holidays. I was also happy to have the day off on Saturday for some hiking, BBQ-ing, and enjoying the sunny weather. I took the pooch up Atalaya mountain for our first hike of the spring! This is one of our regular hiking trails in the foothills of Santa F e that begins at St. John's College and ends at the peak of Atalaya mountain at 9,200 feet elevation, offering a gorgeous 360 degree view of Santa Fe. The snow from last weekend has melted completely, and there were pretty wildflowers starting to bloom. I hope to have a green and lush s ummer after all the moisture we've had this spring. I was reminded, h owever, that tourist season is upon us, so the trail was crowded. With summer right around the corner, I need to reme...