One Year Later

All of the events of this month have led me to reflect a lot on where we all were a year ago, and how much we have changed as individuals and as a community in the past 12 months. One year ago, I was at the end of my maternity leave, returning to work for the first time as a mother of two. I was dropping Meredith off at daycare for the first time, with all the normal parenting worries (the bottles and the crying and how it will affect our attachment) complicated by worrying about her health and the spread of coronavirus. We were learning about the new societal norms of masking, social distancing, and communicating on Zoom. I was adjusting to the new realities of being a healthcare worker during the heat of a pandemic, treating people for a virus that we still knew very little about. We were watching the country unravel economically, politically, socially, and even psychologically. We were supporting family members around the country as they dealt with...