April Showers
Happy Spring! Between gardening, biking, and traveling, April has been a busy month in our household! As there is still a risk of frost overnight, my garden remains indoors for a few more weeks, but I'm starting to see some sprouting seeds! My rhubarb, peppers, and cherry tomatoes sure are determined little creatures. I haven't seen much from my regular tomatoes or carrots yet, but as long as a few of my plants grow I'll be satisfied. We did have a small incident the other day involving a dog and a cat who thought they were master gardeners. (They no longer have access to the sunny front bedroom.) Baby tomatoes! Rhubarb and peppers Kua watches closely over her crops Man down! I got a late start on training for the Half Century (50 mile) bike ride this year because I didn't sign up for my usual spin class, but I squeezed in a 30-miler earlier this week and I'm determined to get back on track with a training schedule before the May...