Ross Party of Four

We have some big changes coming our way as Ady prepares to be a big sister!  Baby Girl #2 is due January 28th!  Ady is over the moon about her new important role, telling all her friends and teachers the news.  She is such a helper and so compassionate, and we think she's well-prepared to look out for her future little sis.  I can't wait to see their relationship develop once Baby Girl arrives.

I found out that I was pregnant in May and I had my first ultrasound just before going to Alaska in June.  We had a healthy baby with a beating heart!  I told Jaycob the news as an early Father's Day gift before we departed on our trip.  We were excited to share our joy with close friends and family members over the summer, either in person when visiting, or over Skype with family across the miles, but we decided to wait as long as possible before going public. 

It was really special to be able to keep Baby's existence to ourselves and just be present with her, knowing that there was plenty of time to invite everyone else to celebrate with us.  Each ultrasound and screening test brought reassurance that Baby is healthy and growing, and we felt more ready to share the news with the world after the 20-week halfway point.  When we were ready to tell our community, Ady wore her new Big Sister shirt to school: "I have something to TACO 'bout.... I'm going to be a big sister!"  I made a cake to bring to work, and it was fun to be able to celebrate that same week at my book club, where many of our other members are also expecting.

Besides a few aches (and increasing difficulty getting comfortable at night), my pregnancy has been healthy and straightforward.  I am generally of the mindset that pregnancy is a normal and healthy process, not a medical condition or something to stress over, and I am just enjoying the experience and bonding with Baby Girl.  My symptoms have been very much the same as what I experienced with Ady, yet there are a lot of difference that I've noticed the second time around.  The most noticeable difference for me has been been the need to plan less.  
We have the gear, we have the carseats, we have the crib.  The nursery is painted and decorated.  We can skip the birthing books and the childbirth education classes.  We have a birth plan and we have learned from our experiences.  This freedom gives me the needed space to be present, to take it one day at a time, to not dwell so much on the future and the plans.  

Another noticeable difference in my own attitude and approach is the realization that a lot is out of our control.  People can do all the right things and still have unexpected outcomes, and I think a lot of the preconceived notions about strict rules create more stress than necessary.  I drink coffee, I eat dessert, I even drink an occasional splash of wine.  I had seafood in Alaska and I continue to eat a variety of foods.  There is no evidence to suggest any harm of moderation.  I'm living my normal life.  Sometimes I even forget that I'm pregnant!  Of course I think about it every day, but not ALL DAY every day.  Maybe that's another difference between a first and second baby: there's a greater sense of letting go.  

Physically, I'm showing much sooner, and I already know that I'll gain more weight than I did with Ady.  But again, I believe that most pregnancies are normal and healthy, even though each is different.  I was running (although slowly) even in my third trimester with Ady and doing TRX strengthening classes throughout my pregnancy, but I just don't have the same level of fitness this year (nor the time, with chasing a toddler around).  But on a positive note, I also felt kicks and movement much sooner, which has been so reassuring and a beautiful way to bond with baby girl.

Pregnancy with Ady was magical as I envisioned what she would look like and be like, contemplating the ways in which our lives would change, making space for a little one, and coming to terms with our new identity as parents.  With Baby #2, it's magical in a different way.  Since we've been parents for almost 3 years now, we know what the future looks like for a newborn, we know that the really hard days and weeks are just phases, and we have some glimpse into what the future holds.  It is also really special to share this experience with Ady and to view the new baby through her eyes as a Big Sister.  I can't wait for them to meet each other.

We have 16 weeks to go and I look forward to enjoying this time together before Baby Girl makes her debut!


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