Birthday Hike: La Vega

I took an extra day off work for my birthday, determined to spend the weekend doing all the things that bring me joy.  I had a lovely weekend that allowed me to really be present with my friends and my little family, while also enjoying some much-needed "me time."  I had a coffee date and park play with my favorite toddler, saw La Boheme with the hubby at the Santa Fe opera, got a pedicure, enjoyed a yummy dinner out with good friends, and caught up with some friends and family across the miles.  I made time for reading, journaling, and knitting, which always helps me feel balanced.  I didn't let myself get caught up in mundane chores, social media, or work-related tasks.  And I did all the things I love.

On my birthday morning we went for a family hike to La Vega in the Pecos Wilderness.  This is one of my favorite medium-distance hikes and one that is largely underrated, in my opinion.  The hike begins with uphill switchbacks along the Windsor Trail then descends through the aspens and pine trees.  The vegetation is lush this time of year and there were lots of tiny, colorful wildflowers to admire.  The trail intersects with the Nambe Trail, crosses two streams and descends steeply toward the La Vega meadow, where Santa Fe Baldy looms majestically above.  We enjoyed a picnic lunch and Ady and Kua had some time to run around before we headed back the way we came.

It was a beautiful day to explore the mountains and get outside, but unfortunately the end of the hike took an unexpected turn.  Kua started getting progressively more lethargic as we neared the end of the hike, dragging her feet and stumbling at times.  It became more apparent that she was not herself and that she was not just tired or dehydrated.  Jaycob and I didn't want to worry each other, and we both knew there was nothing we could do for her while out in the wilderness, but of course we both feared the worst.  Did she drink poisonous water?  Did she contract Lyme disease from a tick bite?  Is she having a stroke?  Is this the last hike we will ever have with our beloved girl?  Will my birthday forever be tarnished as the day my dog died?  We hustled back to the car and drove back into town, constantly checking to make sure Kua was still breathing, and as soon as we got home I took her to the emergency vet.  Well, a few hours and $500 later, after lab work and testing, the vet concluded that Kua had eaten something on the trail, and she suspected marijuana.  Apparently this is becoming a huge problem for animals now that a lot of people are using legally.  I was frustrated and angry with people's negligence and irresponsibility that led to my dog getting sick, but most of all I was relieved that Kua was not deathly ill, that this was not the onset of a progressive disease, and that she was going to be okay.  (In retrospect, we also wonder if it had been mushrooms instead, which grow rampantly in this area.)  In a few days Kua was back to her normal self.

I had a very different narrative in mind when brainstorming my birthday blog post, and my plan to only do joyful things during my birthday weekend did not include an afternoon at the vet.  But such is life.  Through this experience and by being there for my family, I have the deepest gratitude and joy knowing that my dog is okay and that we will enjoy many more hikes together in the future.  The whole day was also a good reminder of what's really important and letting go of attachment to the unnecessary things.  

So here's to 34!  I look forward to a meaningful and formative year.

La Vega meadow

Littlest hiker

Exploring on this sunny day

My sweet pooch

Crossing the stream

La Vega


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