JOY for 2019

A new year.  A new chapter.  A fresh start.  Another opportunity to come closer to being the person I want to be.  A chance to set goals.  A moment that calls for reflection.

I have a lot of the same goals year after year: to read more, write more, drink more water, do more yoga, smile more, run more, spend more time with friends.  I strive to be better at my job, to be more financially responsible, to be a better wife and mother, and to achieve balance in my life.

For 2019, my focus is JOY.  

What is joy?  Is it pleasure?  Is it happiness?  Is it jubilation?  It's not necessarily optimism, or suggesting any expectation of the future.  It simply is experiencing pleasure in what exists right now in this moment.  It also reminds me of Enjoy, and Rejoice.

This one word sums up who I want to be this year.  If I can find joy in my work, in my family life, in my social life, and in my hobbies, then I will feel successful.  I will know that I am on the right path and staying true to myself.

There are so many situations in which it's easy to react.  My automatic emotional response is sometimes anger, or irritation, or impatience, or resentment.  But this year I am making a conscious decision to choose JOY whenever possible.  To find the humor in frustrating situations.  To embrace opportunity to deviate from a plan.  To express gratitude rather than resentment.  To live in the moment more, and smile about life's unexpected events, rather than turning to the past or the future.  

JOY is my word for 2019, and I wish you joy this year as well.


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