Playroom Remodel

And just like that, we have a two-year-old!  Ady is exploring her world, talking up a storm, gaining independence, learning new skills by the minute, and testing her boundaries.  As toys and books began to take over every room in the house, we decided it was time for Ady to have a playroom of her own.  We have a four bedroom house, so building a playroom entailed combining the guest bedroom and the office (which was no small feat in a house with minimal storage space).  To have Ady's playroom ready in time for her birthday, I decided to tackle this project in a 10-day span right after returning from a weeklong vacation (while working full time and planning a work conference simultaneously)...I may have overcommitted myself a bit that week, but I am always someone who works best with a deadline and a goal in mind, and the playroom was done in time for Ady's birthday!  

Painting in progress

My assistant builder

I spent a few hours each night painting the room after Ady went to sleep.  (The color is called Good Morning!)  I found that I really enjoy painting and I get into a flow.  When the painting was done, I assembled furniture and rearranged toys and books, and put up colorful artwork on the walls to make the most of the space.  It was also really fun to look at pictures of playroom designs and play out what to do with the space.  I still have some ideas for additions to the room, like a play teepee and a magnet board, and I love watching Ady play in a space that is all her own.



We had a pizza party at our house to celebrate Ady's 2nd birthday, and all of her little friends got to play in her new room!  We don't host playdates on a regular basis, between full-time daycare and weekly gymnastics and spending time outside, so it was fun to see Ady playing with friends and sharing her new toys.  

Dress-up Corner

Getting organized


It snowed in Santa Fe this week and the holidays are right around the corner!  I look forward to staying home for Thanksgiving and Christmas and enjoying our home with our vibrant and silly two-year-old.  


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