Holiday Running Streak


My sister and I are 13 days into The Holiday Running Streak and still going strong!  What is The Streak, you ask?  The Streak is a nationwide challenge to run (at least one mile per day) every day from Thanksgiving through New Years Day. 
The holidays can be the most difficult time of year to find time for exercise, but also the most important time of year to keep the over-eating in check and reduce stress in healthy ways.  The holidays are full of excuses for not working out -- my inlaws are in town, I have to bake cookies for a holiday party, it's 20 below windchill, I'm too hung over from that entire bottle of Baileys I drank last night.  But The Streak is a fun way to stay motivated, knowing that hundreds (maybe thousands?) of runners and non-runners all over the country are committed as well.  
The Steak is about making running a priority and finding time to run every day, no matter how busy our schedules get.  This may mean running early in the morning before the sun comes up, a 30-minuter during the lunch break, a quick jog in work clothes before rushing to dinner, or even late in the evening during a blizzard!  It's not about weight loss, race training, or breaking any records (and to be truthful, there's no way a mile a day even comes close to offsetting the multiple pieces of pie and glasses of wine that the holidays bring), but it promotes health and forces a lifestyle commitment.
I have had some really miserable runs already during the past 13 days -- 3 miles during a blizzard before any sidewalks were plowed, a short jog after several glasses of champagne at a bridal shower, and a run with Kua early in the morning before a full day of baking.  (For those of you who don't know me well, I am only a morning runner if morning means 9 a.m. after breakfast, a full cup of coffee, and relaxing in front of my computer for a few hours; I am NOT at 7 a.m. runner).  But I have to remind myself that if it were easy then everyone would do it.  
There have also been some really enjoyable runs that have relieved my stress from work and holiday business.  I have a great new playlist of tunes from The Voice (best show on TV right now!) and have found relaxation and relief in bundling up and getting out on the trail with my iPod in one hand and the dog leash in the other.  I plan to stick with it for the next 22 days and invite friends and family to join too!


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